-The Hindu The Union government on Tuesday announced an increase of Rs. 115 in the minimum support price (MSP) of wheat, which has been set at Rs. 1,285 a quintal for the 2012-13 rabi marketing season. The MSP for the previous year was Rs. 1,170 including a bonus of Rs. 50. Terming the increase a “Diwali bonanza to farmers,” Law Minister Salman Khursheed told journalists that the decision was taken at a...
Only States can decide on Minimum Wages: Kharge by D Radhakrishnan
Union Labour Minister inaugurates UPASI conference Action on representations relating to the Minimum Wages Act can only be taken by State governments, said Union Minister for Labour and Employment Mallikarjun Kharge in Coonoor on Sunday. He was inaugurating the 118th annual conference of the United Planters Association of Southern India (UPASI). Referring to the grievances of the planting community over the wage component adding considerably to the cost of production, he pointed...
More »Wages of industrial sin by Sreelatha Menon
Denial of labour entitlements to contract workers is at the root of urban squalor The human development report does not say anything new. It only sums up the outcome of policies being followed in this country. It does not, for instance, highlight the seeds that have manifested themselves in hunger and poverty. One of the seeds is the helpless labour enforcement machinery, which is unable to deal with the mammoth reality...
More »Rural job scheme wage stings Cong by Subodh Ghildiyal
The political advantage enjoyed by the Congress for bringing the rural job scheme is under threat with five of its states underpaying workers, a revelation that has prompted the leadership against challenging a court order seeking parity between MGNREGA wages and Minimum Wages in a state. The Karnataka high court recently ruled that wages under MGNREGA should at least be equal to the notified farm wages. The ruling would result in...
More »Jute farmers of South Kamrup facing acute crisis
-The Assam Tribune Finding the going uphill in their bid to sell their produce for good economic returns, raw jute farmers from different parts of South Kamrup area are facing acute crisis. Too poor to afford the input costs, the marginal farmers who practice the cultivation on a massive scale in thousands of bighas of land here at Jiakur 1 Bortari, Kandalpara Cimina, Futuri Goroimari Alikash under Palashbari and Chhaygaon LAC...
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