On June 12, Ravi Shankar Ratnam helped Ram Krishna Yadav resume eating after Yadav had fasted for a week. This wouldn’t have made the headlines of every Indian newspaper the next morning if it hadn’t been for the fact that both men had achieved a state of demi-divinity through the tried-and-tested process of Hindu name-inflation. Ram Krishna Yadav became Swami Ramdev when he took sanyas and after his extraordinary success...
South Asia's growing modernity masks women's plight by Nita Bhalla
South Asia may boast a number of women leaders and be home to cultures that revere motherhood and worship female deities, but many women live with the threat of appalling violence and without many basic rights. From forced marriages in Afghanistan and "honor killings" in Pakistan to foeticide in India and trafficking in Nepal, South Asian women face a barrage of dangers, experts say, but add growing awareness, better laws and...
More »Trafficking, female foeticide make India 4th most dangerous country for women
-The Hindustan Times Female foeticide, infanticide and human trafficking make India the world's 4th most dangerous country for women, with Afghanistan's violence and poverty taking it to the top spot, followed by Congo due to horrific levels of rape, a Thomson Reuters Foundation expert poll said on Wednesday. Pakistan and Somalia ranked third and fifth, respectively, in the global survey of perceptions of threats ranging from domestic abuse and economic discrimination...
More »Afghanistan worst place in the world for women, but India in top five by Owen Bowcott
Survey shows Congo, Pakistan and Somalia also fail females, with rape, poverty and infanticide rife Targeted violence against female public officials, dismal healthcare and desperate poverty make Afghanistan the world's most dangerous country in which to be born a woman, according to a global survey released on Wednesday. The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Pakistan, India and Somalia feature in descending order after Afghanistan in the list of the five worst...
More »Experts oppose move for draconian tax law by Surojit Gupta
The government's move to make tax evasion a criminal offence has drawn strong criticism from former policymakers and commentators, who say if such a move is implemented it will hurt economic activity, undo years of tax reforms and increase harassment. A panel headed by Central Board of Direct Taxes chairman Prakash Chandra, which held its first meeting on Thursday, will examine the proposal. The proposal appears to have been made because...
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