-The Hindu The Union Health Minister, Dr. Harsh Vardhan, recently said he "supports" higher taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products. But even if he were to substantially increase the tax rates, will it make cigarettes and other tobacco products very expensive and hence reduce consumption? In the case of India, as per the current taxation practices, increasing the tax component is quite unlikely to reduce consumption drastically. This is unlike the...
Desalination plant a panacea to water-starved coastal village -DJ Walter Scott
-The Hindu 450 families at the mercy of private tankers heave a sigh of relief RAMANATHAPURAM (Tamil Nadu): Commissioning of a desalination plant has not only eased drinking water scarcity but also enhanced its quality to the people of Mullimunai, a coastal village. As the village could not benefit from the Cauvery Combined Drinking Water Supply Scheme, about 450 families were left at the mercy of private tankers, who sold water at the...
More »A small step, big leap in dairy farming-Annie Philip
-The Hindu Nabard's low-key financing scheme helps farmers reap a rich harvest Puducherry: A low-key financing scheme with a few innovations thrown in is driving big changes in the lives of several rural dairy farmers. One of the beneficiaries, Poongudi from Andayarpalayam, Thirubuvanai, is a happy woman. Her milch cows are healthier and milk production has improved in quantity and quality. "The cows do not fall ill often now. I have 10 cows and the...
More »A huge health burden
-The Hindu That over 27 per cent of tobacco consumers in India fall in the 15-24 year age bracket amply demonstrates how successful the tobacco companies have been in continually enticing the vulnerable sections of the population into the suicidal practice. The addition of new customers every year even as thousands of patrons die annually ensures that the tobacco companies' customer base remains wide and tall. If the global tobacco-related mortality...
More »Farmers net better profit from vegetables under shade-net -P Sudhakar
-The Hindu Lucrative subsidy available under National Horticulture Mission Tamil Nadu: Small and marginal farmers, hitherto cultivating vegetables under conventional method, have slowly started shifting to shade-net technique for higher yields with premium price, thanks to the lucrative subsidy available under National Horticulture Mission (NHM). To achieve the goal of reducing yield gaps in important crops like vegetables and flowers through focused interventions like protected cultivation, and to maximize the returns to the...
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