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Gone grain: Doon Basmati may soon be dead -Shivani Azad

-The Times of India DEHRUDUN: The rich aroma and distinct taste of the Dehradooni basmati may be a thing of the past as early as the next couple of years. The grain, which made the term 'basmati' synonymous with good quality rice, is being edged out by other hybrid varieties as well as rapid urbanization which has shrunk the fields where it is grown. Confirming that the Dehradooni basmati, known as...

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Organic Route Turns Farms Green Again -S Deepak Karthik

-The New Indian Express NAGAPATTINAM/KARAIKAL: With just two weeks left for pongal, the farming community along the Nagapattinam and Karaikal coasts was abuzz with preparation for reaping the harvest of six months' hard work. However, the tsunami on December 24, 2004 swallowed their paddy fields whole, bringing with it tonnes of mud and saline water. Ten years on, farmers are now posting twice the yield of their pre-tsunami days, with the...

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We are farmers, not watchmen! -D Gopi

-The Hans India Vijayawada: Farmers of nine villages from the 29 identified, which will be the part of capital region, are up in arms against land pooling. Their firm stand is to save around 135 varieties of crops grown in the villages. The farmers are opposing the move by the government to take their fertile lands where the horticulture and commercial crops are grown along the 18 kilometer stretch from Prakasam...

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Choice to the farmer -Ajay Jakhar

-The Indian Express In an article in these columns (‘A fertile mess', IE, December 11), Ashok Gulati says India has landed its fertiliser industry in a mess because of rising subsidies, lagging investment, unbalanced use of fertilisers and diversion of urea for other uses, among other things. He blames it all on administered pricing and subsidy costs, and advocates the increase of urea prices or cash transfer of the fertiliser subsidy...

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Rural Development Ministry to introduce Mobile Monitoring System in MGNREGA to bring Transparency

-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Rural Development Year end Review -2014-15 The Ministry of Rural Development is likely to introduce Mobile Monitoring System for effective implementation of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, MGNREGA. The Monitoring System will be introduced on a pilot basis to allow real time monitoring of all works, workers attendance and work site measurement. The move is likely to plug leakages in the rural job scheme. Moreover,...

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