-South Asia Citizens Web Who is under the foreign hand? We strongly deplore the PM’s recent statement that the people’s struggle against Koodankulam nuclear power plant is instigated by foreign agencies and funds. We cannot accept our PM to stoop to such low levels. This allegation is a clear hint from him that the Indian people who could think on their own to elect the Congress-led UPA in the last general election, have...
Farmers demand separate budget for eco fertilisers by Trithesh Nandan
“Huge subsidy on chemical fertilisers unmindful, useless” Small and marginal farmers have raised the demand for special allocation for organic farming and ecological fertilisation in the forthcoming budget, which finance minister Pranab Mukherjee will present on March 16. According to them, chemical fertilisers, the subsidy for which is likely to touch Rs 1 lakh crore in 2011-12, are not benefitting the soil and are burdening them with high-cost cultivation instead. “The government...
More »Centre gives ASG the thumbs down by J Venkatesan
The Union Home Ministry on Friday disowned Additional Solicitor-General P.P. Malhotra's averments in the Supreme Court in the homosexuality case and said the government's stand was not what he argued on February 23. He said homosexuality between two consenting adults was immoral and an offence. Soon after Mr. Malhotra made his submissions before a Bench of Justices G.S. Singhvi and S.J. Mukhopadhaya that day, another ASG Mohan Jain told the court...
More »The Politics of Rape
-Economic and Political Weekly Mamata Banerjee cynically casts aspersions on a rape victim to further her political agenda. When rape becomes a political power game, every woman, not just a rape survivor, has reason to be afraid. What this suggests is that, for people in the political battlefield, the seriousness of this violent crime and the increasing incidence of rape in our towns and villages are of no concern. This has become...
More »Ramesh wants to sidestep food security Bill categories by Liz Mathew
Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh wants to sidestep categories proposed under the food security law to make sure that the welfare impact of the legislation isn’t nullified because a count that’s central to it hasn’t been completed across large parts of the nation. Ramesh wants 25kg of foodgrain given every month to 75% of the rural poor and 50% of the urban poor at subsidized rates. The National Food Security Bill, which...
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