Total Matching Records found : 12283

UP government slashed medical education budget by 50%

-The Times of India LUCKNOW: As the death of 23 children in a single day in Gorakhpur's Baba Raghav Das Medical College (BRDMC) grabs national headlines, a sharp cut by the Aditya Nath Yogi government in the budgetary allocation for medical education this year is raising questions. That's because this is the head under which the BRDMC, like other state-run colleges, receives funds. The budgetary allocation for 14 such medical colleges and...

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Economy Plunging Headlong Into Recession -Prabhat Patnaik NEW DELHI: Volume II of the Economic Survey which was brought out by the Ministry of Finance a few days ago paints an extremely grim picture of the Indian economy. The growth rate of real Gross Value Added (GVA which is the appropriate thing to look at, since the GDP measure includes net indirect taxes and hence does not truly reflect output trends), was 6.6 percent for 2016-17 as a whole,...

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Beyond the lament -K Srinath Reddy

-The Indian Express Gorakhpur was only the acute manifestation of the chronic malady that ails our health system Outrage is a natural reaction to the terrible tragedy that cruelly crushed the lives of many innocent children in Gorakhpur. However, outrage is a wasted emotion if it is not accompanied by honest introspection to identify all contributory causes and followed by a cluster of corrective actions. The deaths of these children were caused...

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Fact Check: Demonetisation's Effect on Increase in Direct Taxes and Income Tax Base -James Wilson Despite government press releases, as of August 2017, there doesn’t appear to have been a substantial increase in the number of new tax payers or direct tax collection as a result of demonetisation. On the morning of August 8, most of our newspapers – both national as well as regional ones – ran headlines about the giant leap in the income tax returns received as well as the increase in advance...

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Fact check: From LPG subsidies to maternity leave, comparing Modi's I-Day claims with the data -Nitin Sethi & Nayantara Narayanan The prime minister’s Independence Day speech was more of a laundry list of achievements, with few new announcements. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech on Tuesday was not only his shortest Independence Day address so far, it also had little by way of major announcements. Aside from a few one-liners calling for Indians to change their attitudes and for a different approach to Kashmir, Modi’s annual speech from the Red Fort...

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