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Don't Just Blame Climate Change, India's Drought Is Born Out Of Apathy For The Poor -Betwa Sharma NEW DELHI: Severe drought conditions prevail at the moment in at least 10 states in India. Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh and Telengana are all staring at a bleak summer, already experiencing severe water shortage, with at least two months to go for the monsoons. But droughts are not unique to India. Rich and poor nations across the world are hit by all sorts of calamities, every year,...

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Dalit educator’s death pushes Barmer village back in time -Vaibhav Jha

-Hindustan Times Barmer (Rajasthan): The last time clouds of despair descended on Trimohi, a hamlet in Rajasthan’s Barmer district about half a kilometre from the Pakistan border, was during the 1971 war. This time, the pain is a lot more personal. Delta Meghwal, 17, the first Dalit girl from the village to pursue higher education, was found dead in a water tank of the Jain Adarsh Teachers’ Training Institute for Girls in...

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THRee reasons why the Centre has failed to provide relief to drought-hit states THRough MNREGA -Anumeha Yadav Despite the Modi government's claims, the scheme is short of funds, and states are unable to offer guaranteed employment to rural workers. Why aren’t the poor in drought-affected states getting state assistance when they most need it? The Supreme Court has strongly reprimanded the Modi government for not releasing adequate funds on time under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, or MNREGA, for rural workers especially in drought-hit states. Under the...

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At The Margins -Lola Nayar

-Outlook Is the devolution of ­national funds to states really worth the praise? * Share of the states in the divisible pool of central taxes has risen from 32% to 42% for five years till 2019-20 * Rise in untied funds transferred is accompanied by cut in Central assistance for state plan spending * Limited ability of the poorer states to expand their fiscal space with own revenue collection * Funds for rural development...

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Old wells being rejuvenated to meet water crisis in Bidar -Rishikesh Bahadur Desai

-The Hindu Seventy of the 170 public wells identified have been dredged and cleaned Bidar (Karnataka): The district administration has started a project to preserve old open wells in public places in order to push up the aquifer and protect the ancient legacy of water management. The severe drought conditions of the year have pushed the officials to clean the wells, some of which are around 500 years old. Many of them were...

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