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Punjab: Muslims Families Hide in Riverbed After Being Driven From Hoshiarpur Villages -Prabhjit Singh After three days, the families were brought some ration by the authorities. However, no case has been filed against those who beat and abused them. Hoshiarpur: Several children, women and men on Wednesday continued to hide themselves in the Swan riverbed, without for the food for three days now, on the Punjab side of the state’s marshy borders with Himachal Pradesh. They were allegedly abused, beaten and chased away from their...

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Coronavirus: Centre concerned over polarisation on religious lines -S Vijay Kumar

-The Hindu Ensure safety of health workers, it says Chennai: The Centre has expressed serious concern over the “polarising public opinion on religious lines” against the backdrop of a particular community being targeted as being responsible for the spread of COVID-19 in the country. In a note issued to all States on Tuesday, the Union Government said a sizeable number of non-Muslims was getting a perception that a particular community was not taking...

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Explained: The ‘Bhilwara model’ of ‘ruthless containment’ to stop coronavirus -Deep Mukherjee

-The Indian Express Bhilwara in Rajasthan was one of the early hotspots of the COVID-19 outbreak. The government responded with extraordinarily aggressive measures — and the ‘Bilwara model’ could now be replicated elsewhere in the country. Jaipur: Almost two weeks into the nationwide lockdown, with the case count from the novel coronavirus disease climbing to 4,281 (with 111 deaths) as of Monday night, the Union Health Ministry has said that over 80%...

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Coronavirus lockdown: Govt. helpline receives 92,000 calls on child abuse and violence in 11 days

-PTI/ The Hindu Deputy Director of Childline India, Harleen Walia suggested the helpline be declared an essential service during the coronavirus lockdown New Delhi: The Childline India helpline received more than 92,000 SOS calls asking for protection from abuse and violence in 11 days, a sombre indication that the lockdown has turned into extended captivity not just for many women but also for children trapped with their abusers at home. Please click here...

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India's Tumultuous History of Epidemics, Religion and Public Health Policy -Kiran Kumbhar In the 19th century, fierce opposition from Indians to epidemic control measures forced British officials to reach out to community leaders for help. This could help India tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. There are many terrains where public health and religion cross paths, but epidemics are certainly the most bumpy. Contemporary examples include the large gatherings of people at several religious sites in India, including the Nizamuddin markaz and an Akkalkot temple,...

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