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Anti-political, says Karat by JP Yadav

Prakash Karat believes Anna Hazare’s movement is amorphous, anti-political, supported by Right-wing forces and the corporate media, but still feels the government has “no other way” but to bow to public pressure and hold talks with the group. “The middle class propensity to be anti-political, to blame all politicians and to hold Parliament in contempt are all on display in the Anna Hazare movement,” the CPM general secretary wrote in party...

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Arundhati Roy’s anti-Anna tirade: High on anger, short on rigour by Shalini Singh

While the rest of the world is saluting the birth of a miracle - the manifestation of the best of the human spirit in a peaceful movement that is uniting millions of people across religions, geographies and social and economic groups - Arundhati Roy has seized the opportunity to be intellectually irreverent. Sadly, her vituperative dismissal of this powerful human revolution in her piece, ‘I would rather not be Anna' published...

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Hazare's protest reminds 1974-75 mass agitation by CP Bhambhri

Anna Hazare's agitation in defence of his version of the Lokpal Bill seems to have revived public memories of the 1974-75 Jayaprakash Narayan-led anti-corruption mass agitation, especially among the new generation of technology-driven middle class youth in metropolitan towns of India. But can Anna Hazare's anti-corruption crusade become a benchmark comparable with the historical mass mobilisation movements launched by Gandhi from 1920 to 1947 or the one popularly known as the...

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What Lokpal Bill? We're here for corruption

-IANS   A group of 20 youngsters enter Delhi Metro, shouting 'Vande Mataram' and urging commuters to sing along. As their voices begin to fade, a middle-aged woman announces, "They don't know a thing about Lokpal, corruption has brought them together." This statement, addressed to nobody in particular, pretty much sums up what the movement is all about. It's not the Lokpal bill, it's not a 74-year-old man on fast who has turned...

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Yes, there is an alternative by Anjali Bhardwaj & Aruna Roy

There are two broad governance issues that concern every citizen in this country today: corruption at different levels in the government, and grievances arising from the government’s poor functioning. The last few months have seen an outpouring of emotions related to these issues. It is amply clear that the people of India want no one to be above the law; everyone, irrespective of the position they hold, should be accountable. ...

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