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District Level Health Surveys

&NBSp;-Press Information Bureau/ Ministry of Health and Family Welfare &NBSp; The Government has conducted District Level Household Surveys (DLHS) during 1998-99 (DLHS-1), 2002-04 (DLHS-2), 2007-08 (DLHS-3) and 2012-13 (DLHS-4). Further, Annual Health Survey (AHS) which also provide district level data was conducted during 2010-11(AHS-1), 2011-12 (AHS-2) and 2012-13 (AHS-3).&NBSp; The AHS was conducted in Assam, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. Please click here to read more. ...

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GR Poses Threat to Bio-diversity: Dr Deb

-The New Indian Express KOCHI: Questioning the Green Revolution (GR) is like blasphemy in mainstream agricultural discourses. But, plant scientist-turned farmer Dr Debal Deb, an atheist by choice and seed conservationist by vocation, dares to question the very basics of the Green Revolution, and rips down the tall claims of its proponents. Delivering a lecture on ‘A Journey Towards Ecotopia,’ at the Renewal Centre here on Saturday, Dr Deb held the Green...

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It's not all gloom and doom in agriculture: Innovation is leading the way for these farmers -Vivian Fernandes "Spray 50 parts per million of Gibberellic ralic acid, 6BA and 0050 grade potassium on leaves. Apply muriate of potash at the rate of 25 kg per acre." Almost every morning, Sanjeev Mane sends messages like these in Marathi to his 5,100 followers on Whatsapp in Maharashtra and the border areas. The post above, of 20 April, was advice to farmers on preparing their cane crop for the summer season. Cheap Internet...

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NSSO data confirms socio-economic disparity

Social justice is one of the basic pillars of democracy. But when it comes to livelihood security and socio-economic status of various communities in rural areas, persons belonging to Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) lag far behind the upper caste population. This has been revealed in a recent National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) report entitled: Employment and Unemployment Situation among Social Groups in India...

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Diversity deficit across apex bodies of parties -Rukmini S

-The Hindu The BSP is an exception, where the majority of the members in the Central Executive Committee (CEC) belong to the Scheduled Castes. &NBSp; The top decision-making bodies of India’s national political parties are largely upper caste Hindu male domains, an analysis by The Hindu shows. While the Bahujan Samaj Party is the most diverse in caste terms, the Congress is the most diverse in religious terms. Last week when the Communist...

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