-The Economic Times In January 2012, PM Manmohan Singh declared half of India's children were malnourished and that was a national shame. Yet since then, not a single comprehensive national survey was conducted to determine the acuteness of the problem or MEAsure progress, if any, of steps initiated to address malnutrition. Worse, the issue figures in a token manner in the election discourse of political parties and candidates. The 2005-06 National...
Former Bengal governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi calls CBI ‘department of dirty tricks’, RIL a parallel state -Neeraj Chauhan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Former West Bengal governor Gopalkrishna Gandhi on Tuesday stunned the CBI brass, describing the agency as 'department of dirty tricks (DDT)' which had gained disrepute for being the "government's hatchet", clothed in opacity with a perfume of mystery. Gandhi's remarks came while he delivered the 15th D P Kohli Memorial Lecture for CBI on "Eclipse at Noon: Shadows Over India's Conscience" with nearly 3000 officers of...
More »No country for whistle-blowers -Andrew M Beato and Narayan Lakshman
-The Hindu A strong whistle-blower protection law in India would expose financial corruption in a way that reinforces ethical business practices In 2013, generic pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy pleaded guilty to seven criminal felonies for drug manufacturing fraud and agreed to cough up an unprecedented $500 million in fines. The case against Ranbaxy was significant not only for being a successful prosecution of a powerful India corporation. It also marked the triumph of Dinesh...
More »Monsoon may be 94% of average, private forecaster says
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: El Nino is likely to hit rains in India but the country may escape an overall drought, private weather company Skymet said in the first forecast by any agency about this year's monsoon. Rainfall in the season is likely to be below normal at 94% of the long range average, it said. Releasing its assessment some 10 days before the official India Meteorological Department's monsoon prediction,...
More »Farmer suicides, crop failure plague Vidarbha -Kunal Purohit
-The Hindustan Times Maharashtra: Vidarbha is an unforgiving place, parched, dry and restive. It is a place of waiting - for the rains, for dams, for a harvest that may never come. Lately, there's been a storm brewing in these 11 arid districts "All of Maharashtra is getting richer, but here in Vidarbha, everything is standing still," says Sachin Gawande, 30, a graduate and farmer from Risod town in Akola. "Ours remains...
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