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Flimsy arguments to justify contract labour -KR Shyam Sundar and Rahul Suresh Sakpal

-The Hindu Business Line The Economic Survey’s efforts to link ‘excess’ labour regulation to this practice do not stand up to scrutiny The Economic Survey has unconvincingly linked the practise of contract labour to an excess of labour regulation — what it calls ‘regulatory cholesterol’. The Survey alleges that to negotiate the regulatory “cholesterol” in labour law firms resort to contract labour. This is a contestable view. According to the Survey, extensive use...

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Crop insurance revisited

-The Hindu Business Line India should fine-tune its scheme to make it WTO-compliant The fact that the Centre’s new crop insurance scheme has hit a WTO speedbreaker does not really surprise. The EU, Canada, Australia and Thailand have implicitly said that in its present form, insurance payouts cannot readily be placed in the ‘green box’ — one that exempts certain expenditures from farm subsidy calculations for WTO purposes. They have, in effect,...

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Celebrating World Water Day in the shadow of drought -Pretika Khanna As the world celebrates World Water Day on 22 March, the situation in India is grim New Delhi: As the world celebrates World Water Day on 22 March, the situation in India is grim. In Maharashtra’s parched Latur district, the collector has imposed SECtion 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, banning the assembly of more than five people near tanker-filling points, public wells, tanker-plying routes and storage tanks. The ban, which...

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'40 Percent People in India May Not Have Water to Drink by 2030' -Namrata

-The New Indian Express NEW DELHI: Forty percent of India's population may not have drinking water by 2030, if the water crisis in country is not met seriously, a study has warned. With the country facing a grave water crisis and lack of water conservation, the availability of potable water and ground water has decreased over the years which would result in severe situation in the country after a decade, said an...

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New crop insurance scheme will cover 50% of farmers: Jaitley -Deepa Nair

-The Hindu Business Line Mumbai: The newly-launched Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) will bring about 50 per cent of India’s farmers in the crop insurance net and help reduce the prevailing distress in the agriculture SECtor, according to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. PMFBY is distinct from all earlier schemes in the sense that it not only takes the number of insured farmers to a higher level (from 20 per cent earlier...

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