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Will Delhi’s odd-even rule work? -Manas Paul, Parijat Upadhyay, and Boishampayan Chatterjee

-The Hindu Business Line It can, with the right approach and changed mind-sets. Tackling pollution’s a bigger issue   The odd-even formula is to be tried out once again in April, after its initial trial implementation in January this year. Repeated pilot testing assumes importance as an attempt to initiate behavioural change, making it acceptable before its permanent enforcement over time. If this is so, two obvious questions arise: How effective is the current...

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In drought-hit western Maharashtra, children forced to live as orphans -Debashish Panigrahi

-Hindustan Times Eleven-year-old Kavita and Sunil, a year younger, last saw their father Mahadev four months ago, when he returned briefly to the village to attend the wedding of a relative. When leaving home again, a day after Diwali, Mahadev gave Kavita Rs350 for her and Sunil to live on for the next THRee months. He had no option but to leave them to fend for themselves. Not enough rainfall had turned the...

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Vaccine drive

-The Telegraph New Delhi: The Union health ministry will on Thursday launch the third phase of a vaccination campaign to cover an estimated 36 lakh children in 216 districts across India who have never received vaccines or remain partially immunised. The campaign designed to immunise children against seven vaccine-preventable diseases - diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, polio, tuberculosis, measles and hepatitis-B - will focus on areas dogged by irregular or poor routine immunisation...

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Farmers' conference demands law for guaranteed income -Vineet Kumar

-Down to Earth Participants voice concern on drought, farmers' suicide and water conservation, among other issues The THRee-day long Kisan Swaraj Sammelan held in Hyderabad (April 1 to 3) urged for the enactment of a Farmers’ Income Guarantee Act to ensure dignified earning levels for agricultural households among a host of other things. Organised by the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture, a group comprising 400 diverse organisations from across India, the...

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Hopes high for a good monsoon -Nikita Mehta Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology says there is a 54% probability that rainfall during the monsoon season this year will be 10 mm-per-day more than normal New Delhi: Weather scientists said they may have spotted signs of a normal, if not a good, rainy season this year, sparking hope among farmers and policymakers alike after two successive bad monsoons. With just THRee weeks to go for the India Meteorological Department’s (IMD’s) much-awaited...

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