-Economic and Political Weekly The High-Level Committee set up by the Narendra Modi government to review the major laws relating to environment protection has, in its recommendations, worked towards two sets of objectives: one, to separate business from the messiness of governance, and, two, to redraw the line of demarcation between the judiciary and the executive. Manju Menon (manjumenon@namati.org) and Kanchi Kohli (kanchikohli@namati.org) are with the Centre for Policy Research - Namati...
VeggieWash’es out pesticides -Cynthia Chandrani
-Deccan Chronicle THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Don't worry if the fruits and vegetables you buy from the markets are contaminated with pesticides. Here is a solution Veggie Wash which will decontaminate them. The product developed by the pesticide residue lab of Kerala Agriculture University will hit the market this month. Around 10 companies have bought the formulation and another 10 are in the queue. Veggie Wash solution was standardised by M.Sc students...
More »Storm in teacup: Food Security Act may leave 19 lakh families in Assam's tea gardens hungry -Simantik Dowerah
-FirstPost.com Uncertainty over the supply of subsidised foodgrain to over 19 lakh families in Assam whose livelihoods are linked to work in the tea gardens is threatening to not only spark dissent among workers but has got the industry leaders worried. To understand the impact, consider the case of Deepak Daori and Monica Daori - both workers at Mokalbari Tea Estate in Dibrugarh district. "We are worried that the our monthly ration might...
More »350-tonne oil spill by Bangladeshi ship threatens Sunderbans -Krishnendu Mukherjee & Rakhi Chakrabarty
-The Times of India KOLKATA: The fragile Sundarbans region stared at an ecological nightmare after a vessel carrying 350 tonnes of oil crashed, spilling the toxic liquid over an 80-sq-km area along the Sela river in Bangladesh and threatening a sanctuary of rare Irrawaddy and Ganges dolphins. The site, near Mongla port, is about 100km from the Kolkata port and Indian officials are on alert over the possibility of the oil slick...
More »38% of women killed are by partners: WHO -Dipak K Dash
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Over one-third of murdered women across the world were killed by their male partners, a recent report by World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed, indicating how women face greater threat to their lives from their trusted ones. "When women are killed, it is often their partner who is responsible. In 2013, WHO and others estimated that as many as 38% of female homicides globally were committed...
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