-PTI INLD workers clash with police at Rohini court before and after sentencing In a judgement that could have electoral ramifications in Haryana, former Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala and his son Ajay Chautala were on Tuesday sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for corruption amidst scenes of violence by his supporters in a Delhi court complex. Special CBI Judge Vinod Kumar, who last week had convicted the Chautalas and 53 others, including two...
Gujarat assembly now a crorepati club
-The Times of India AHMEDABAD: The 13th Gujarat assembly, which is meeting for the first time on Tuesday, is the No. 1 crorepati club. While the present Lok Sabha has 58 per cent crorepati MPs and the Rajya Sabha 65 per cent, the state assembly has 74 per cent, or 134 of the 182 MLAs have assets of Rs 1 crore or more. The last state assembly constituted in 2007, had...
More »Downed chopper: Police say Maoists making propellers, rocket launchers -Ashutosh Bhardwaj
-The Indian Express Raipur: The Chhattisgarh Police has found that Maoists are at an advanced stage of developing indigenous propellers and rocket launchers, which not only means that their strategic strength is rising but also that they pose a serious threat to aircraft in the Bastar region. On Friday, for the first time, they managed to bring down an IAF helicoper, forcing it to crash-land in Sukma district of the state. There...
More »EC gets teeth to change SC/ST constituencies -Nagendar Sharma
-The Hindustan Times The government has decided to give the Election Commission the powers to make changes in seats reserved for Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies, where fresh changes have been detected during the last one decade in the population percentage of any caste. The law ministry is ready to seek the cabinet's approval for an ordinance soon, which will empower the EC to determine the...
More »State of ferment-Ritambhara Hebbar
-The Indian Express In Jharkhand, a gap between politics of the tribal movement and electoral politics The recent dissolution of the Jharkhand assembly has brought to the fore the political uncertainty that hounds the state, with no leader or party managing to emerge as a viable representative of the people of Jharkhand. How does one interpret this feature, which many argue is unique to Jharkhand? Why is it that Jharkhand, particularly since...
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