-The Hindu Chaudhuri on IIPM and J&K Police on Afzal Guru approached courts seeking takedown of online material An investigation by The Hindu into the recent blocking of online content related to Arindam Chaudhuri’s IIPM and the hanging of Afzal Guru shows that on February 14 and 15, the Department of Telecom, on orders from various courts, issued as many as three different lists to Internet service providers (ISPs) and telecom service...
No news is bad news-Ramnath Bhat
-The Hindu Regulating content on community radio is detrimental to its efforts to engage with local communities The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MoIB) organised the 3rd National Community Radio Sammelan from February 9 to 11 to celebrate a decade of community radio. The celebrations were cut short when Secretary to MoIB Uday Kumar Varma confirmed that community radio stations would not be allowed to broadcast news for some time to come....
More »Govt moves to block 55 Facebook pages on Afzal Guru
-The Times of India The government has asked internet service providers to block 55 Facebook pages related to Afzal Guru. The notice by the Department of Telecom was issued a day before internet services were restored in Kashmir Valley after remaining suspended for a week following Afzal's hanging. It was on the same day, February 14, that the notice ordering ISPs to block 73 web pages with content relating to a...
More »LTTE campaign delayed Rajiv Gandhi's killers’ hanging, source says -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India Three Rajiv Gandhi assassinshave opposed the execution of the death sentence awarded to them by pointing to the 12 year-lag between the Supreme Court's confirmation of the high court's order to send them to the gallows and the rejection of the mercy petition by President. Behind this argument, it turns out, is a well-organized campaign by LTTE cadres, sympathizers and human rights groups opposed to death penalty...
More »Restive Tamil Nadu protests the most -Christin Mathew Philip
-The Times of India CHENNAI: Are people in Tamil Nadu more likely to protest in public against a perceived injustice? Data from the Union home ministry appears to suggest so. The state recorded 15,746 demonstrations in 2011, an average of 44 a day, more than any other state in the country. Uttarakhand was a distant second, with 8,610 protests, according to figures from the home ministry's Bureau of Police Research and Development. Maharashtra...
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