-The Hindu Government sources told The Hindu that at PDS packaging centres, new unbranded bags were being replaced with used ones. Jute bags meant for packaging of foodgrains under the Public Distribution System (PDS) allegedly provided their manufacturers — in league with some officials of procuring State government agencies, quality Insurance inspectors and middlemen — an opportunity to siphon off thousands of crores in government revenue. So serious is the scam that the...
India’s rural crisis, slowed farm growth may hurt 7.5% GDP dream -Zia Haq and Gaurav Choudhury
-Hindustan Times When Prime Minister Narendra Modi met some prominent billionaires last month, seeking quicker job-creation and investments, many industrialists complained that falling rural demand for goods was rocking their boats too. Incomes of India’s 833 million mostly poor rural population – a huge market for all kinds of goods – are barely rising and it is a cause for worry. Farming contributes just 15% of India’s $2 trillion economy, but half...
More »SC refuses to modify order limiting role of Aadhaar -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: In a big setback to the Centre, the Supreme Court on Wednesday refused to give a ruling on the Narendra Modi government's high-pitched and public interest-laced plea to allow citizens to voluntarily use Aadhaar cards to avail benefits under all social welfare schemes. This means, the apex court's August 11 interim order limiting the use of Aadhaar cards to access subsidy on LPG cylinders and ration...
More »Centre for all-round use of Aadhaar card -Dhananjay Mahapatra
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Centre on Tuesday came to the Supreme Court along with several important organizations and made an impassioned plea for permitting voluntary use of Aadhaar cards held by 90 crore citizens to accurately identify beneficiaries for welfare schemes. They wanted modification of the SC's August 11 interim order limiting the use of Aadhaar card only for LPG subsidy and ration through public distribution system. A bench...
More »Dr David Berger, director of the British Medical Journal group and a general physician practising in Australia, speaks to Rema Nagarajan
-The Times of India Dr David Berger, director of the British Medical Journal group and a general physician practising in Australia, is better known in India for an article he wrote in the BMJ in May last year titled 'Corruption ruins the doctor-patient relationship in India' based on his experiences of working in India. The article sparked a public debate on the widespread corruption in India's healthcare sector. Here now on...
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