In view of prevailing cold wave conditions in the state Chief Minister Mayawati has sanctioned Rs 3.12 crore for providing temporary shelter,food, clothes and medical facilities to the poor. The money would be used to provide bonfires, blankets and medical help to the destitutes and the homeless poor people, Government spokesman said here on Thursday. He said state government has provided Rs 1 lakh to each of the 312 tehsils of the...
Shutting him up by Praful Bidwai
The Raipur sessions court judgment against civil liberties defender and health activist Binayak Sen has provoked outrage. His two-year long detention had drawn protests from the world over. The only substantial charge against Sen is that he passed on three letters from Narayan Sanyal, an undertrial, suspected -- but not yet proved -- to be a Maoist, to the Maoist leadership. It takes several leaps of imagination, or nasty prejudice, to...
More »Resisting indignity by Mari Marcel Thekaekara
Safai karmacharis are set to end their two-decade-long movement for a life of dignity on a victorious note. DECEMBER 31, 2010. As revellers across the world prepare to celebrate the end of the first decade of the new millennium and the start of a new year, a million women across India will be celebrating not the end of a calendar year but the end of a centuries-old degrading and inhuman...
More »CAG to depose before PAC on 2G report today
Amidst a high-pitched BJP campaign for a JPC probe into the 2G spectrum allocation scam, Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) Vinod Rai is all set to appear before Public Accounts Committee (PAC). PAC is scrutinising the sensational CAG report, claiming massive irregularities in the telecom deal. Rai, according to sources, will depose before the PAC on Monday. Interestingly, PAC chairman Murli Manohar Joshi, a senior BJP leader, has started going about...
More »Unique Identity, Leakages and Development by Jayati Ghosh
For some reason, governments - as well as the development ''industry'' as a whole - have always had a tendency to look for universal panaceas, particular silver bullets that will solve all or most of their implementation problems and somehow achieve the development project for them. The latest such initiative bullet that seems to have been accepted as a silver bullet is the Unique Identification Project, which is now seen...
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