-The Hindu The hunger strike called by social activist Medha Patkar of the National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) in protest against developer Shivalik Ventures at Mumbai's Golibar colony entered its fourth day on Monday. Ms. Patkar's health is believed to be deteriorating. “She has fever, a high blood pressure and bouts of vomiting,” Mukta Srivastava of NAPM told The Hindu over telephone. Ms. Patkar's protest is gathering strong support from all...
Revoke the Illegal Clearance to the POSCO Project
-Mainstream Weekly DEMAND AT PRESS CONFERENCE IN NEW DELHI A press conference was held in New Delhi on May 4, 2011 to protest against the Union Ministry of Environment and Forest’s “final clearance” to the POSCO project in Odisha. The following is the press release issued by the POSCO Pratirodh Solidarity (PPS-Delhi) in association with NFFPFW, CSD, NAPM, INSAF, and others at the press conference. The ‘final forest clearance’ by the Ministry...
More »With No Apologies by Ashok Mitra
The curiosum of a ‘red regime’ with a knack to get re-elected term after term for over more than three decades within the ambit of a full-fledged multi-party democracy has finally disappeared. The Left Front, led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist), has not merely lost the poll in West Bengal, it has been made mincemeat of. Its vote share has come down from close to 50 per cent...
More »Azad killing: CBI registers case against A.P. police by K Srinivas Reddy
The Central Bureau of Investigation has registered a criminal case against the Andhra Pradesh police on the charge that Central Committee member of the CPI (Maoist) Cherukuri Rajkumar alias Azad and freelance journalist Hemchandra Pandey were killed by them in cold blood on July 2, 2010. The case was registered on Thursday on directions from the Supreme Court that heard petitions from social worker Swami Agnivesh and Hemchandra Pandey's wife Bineeta...
More »Left behind in a web of debt and poverty by Malia Politzer
The passport office in Hyderabad reported the highest number of passport applications recorded in Indian history (at least 450,000) and it expects an increase of 15-20% this year Jamuna Kunta sits stiffly in a plush red chair at the Hyderabad press club, holding her head proudly erect as she quietly recounts the events leading to her husband’s suicide in Dubai. A farmer from Karimnagar, a rural district in Andhra Pradesh, her husband...
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