-The Indian Express He said the RBI board had “independently applied its mind” to send the relevant recommendation to the government. THERE WAS never any shortage of currency in the aftermath of the decision to demonetise high-value currency, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley told the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday while answering a clutch of questions on the issue. “At no point of time, not for a single day, was the currency inadequate. As...
Will Budget help double farmers' income? -Vidya Venkat
-The Hindu Most of the earnings of the average farm household were spent in meeting consumption expenditures. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced a slew of measures in the Union Budget 2017 to boost the agriculture sector. Higher agricultural credit, higher allocation for irrigation projects, a crop insurance scheme and increased allocations for MGNREGA to dig farm ponds were among the measures announced on February 1. But will these help attain the goal...
More »Does budget meet farmers' expectations? -Dr. T Haque
-The Indian Express Considering all these aspects, farmers had higher expectation that Budget 2017-18 would give them the best deal. However, this expectation was not met. It is now widely recognised and reported that farmers in India are facing a distressing situation. During 1995-96 to 2015-16, about 3 lakh farmers in the country committed suicide due to economic distress and depression. The Election Manifesto of Bharatiya Janata Party in both 1998 and...
More »Farmers are not happy with the Union Budget of 2017 -Jayashree Bhosale
-The Economic Times PUNE: Farmers are highly disappointed with Budget 2017 alleging that the Prime Minister has not done enough to fulfill his pre-election promises made to the farming community. The announcement of increasing farm credit to 10 lakh crore may not help much the small and marginalised farmers, who are outside the banking network. "About 60% of the farmers are outside the banking system. They depend upon the informal sector for loans....
More »Child malnutrition on rise but funding falters -Komal Ganotra
-Down to Earth Almost 40 per cent of India's population is minor but the budget allocated to them is a meagre four per cent of the Union budget It was a mid-winter morning when we first met her at the anganwadi centre of Mai, a small village by the bank of the River Ganga in Bihar’s Munger district. The breakfast session at the anganwadi centre was just over, though some of the...
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