-The Times of India mumbai: Onion prices in the state have touched a five year low. The average price farmers have fetched for a quintal has been Rs 450. At the Lasalgaon APMC, the biggest market yard for onions in the country, the average price for a quintal has been Rs 740 in February 2016, when the state was reeling under a severe drought. Cost of production for a quintal is Rs...
Overpriced stents: NPPA issues notice to two hospitals -Sushmi Dey
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Promptly addressing complaints against hospitals that were allegedly overcharging for stents, the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has issued show-cause notices to Max Hospital, Saket (New Delhi), and Nidaan Hospital, Sonipat (Haryana). While the regulator said that the action is based on the findings of its preliminary investigation, both the hospitals denied the charge and maintained that they have "not overcharged a single patient" for stents. On...
More »Hit by note ban, Bundelkhand's sons come home to more misery -AM Jigeesh
-The Hindu Business Line They rue voting for BJP in the 2014 LS polls, and swear by Mayawati’s BSP now Jalaun (Uttar Pradesh): The reverse migration triggered by demonetisation has possibly reversed the BJP’s political fortunes in this backward and poverty-stricken region of Bundelkhand. Coupled with agrarian distress, demonetisation-induced reverse migration is pushing voters away from the BJP in the ongoing elections. While the SP-Congress alliance is the frontrunner for upper caste voters,...
More »Drumsticks beat back poverty in arid zones -Hiren Kumar Bose
-The Hindu Business Line Superfood moringa is proving to be a boon for subsistence farmers Names like PKM 2, Bhagya KDM 1, Rohit 1, Siddhi Vinayaka.... may not ring a bell among urban readers, but those engaged in subsistence farming will recognise these as the high-yielding varieties of Moringa olifera (drumstick tree). This tree (called murungae in Tamil) has been around for ages, but ever since the world at large claimed moringa as...
More »Will Budget help double farmers' income? -Vidya Venkat
-The Hindu Most of the earnings of the average farm household were spent in meeting consumption expenditures. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced a slew of measures in the Union Budget 2017 to boost the agriculture sector. Higher agricultural credit, higher allocation for irrigation projects, a crop insurance scheme and increased allocations for MGNREGA to dig farm ponds were among the measures announced on February 1. But will these help attain the goal...
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