-Newsclick.in According to union leaders, due to the panchayat polls from April to May in Uttar Pradesh, there was a halt in MGNREGS work, and the demand for labourers further slumped due to the complete lockdown that followed soon after. Lucknow: Brindaban Banjara (40), a security in-charge at Paragon footwear in Nangloi area of Delhi used to earn Rs 22,000 per month before the pandemic hit. But, within a span of three...
Climate crisis will have catastrophic impact in India: Study
-IANS/ NationalHeraldIndia.com The climate emergency will have a catastrophic human and economic impact in India The climate emergency will have a catastrophic human and economic impact in India. Different threats will interact to devastating effect, as exemplified by cyclones Tauktae and Yaas during the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. A new review by the global think tank, ODI, The costs of climate change in India, released on Tuesday, laid out how rising...
More »The Mystery of Missing Vaccines -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in Large-scale privatisation of the vaccination programme is happening, cutting of low-paying sections of the population. Yet, other discrepancies remain, calling for an audit by CAG. India is facing an acute vaccine shortage. The impression that generally prevails is that this shortage is because while production capacity is slow to increase, there has been a sudden spurt in vaccine demand since vaccination is now open for the 18-44 years age group in...
More »Why and How India Needs to Develop Post-pandemic Settlements -Ranjit Sabikhi
-TheWire.in Both in urban and rural areas, there are many issues that will need to be addressed. The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic that we are currently passing through will have a disastrous effect on the life of large numbers of people across the country. The situation is far more serious than what the government recognises or acknowledges. The major impact is going to be on the poorer sections of society that...
More »Every second COVID case and death reported in May 2021 was from rural India -Nidhi Jamwal
-GaonConnection.com Last month, 53% of new cases and 52% of deaths due to the coronavirus were from rural districts of India, finds the ‘State of India’s Environment 2021’ report. What makes the situation more worrisome is the acute shortage of healthcare staff in rural India — a 76.1% shortfall of specialists at the CHC level. Rural India, where two-thirds of Indians live, did not escape the fury of the second wave of...
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