-IANS It will take time for the economists to figure out whether the fall in the growth rate to 5.7 per cent is the result of the disruption caused by demonetisation and the Goods and Services Tax (GST), but most of the common people will see a connection between the two steps and a slowing down of the economy. For most of them, the GST seems right -- like the uniform civil...
The Truth About Demonetisation -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in After months of dilly-dallying the Reserve Bank of India has finally come out with the figure that nearly 99 percent of the currency notes demonetised in November 2016, came back to the banking system. After months of dilly-dallying the Reserve Bank of India has finally come out with the figure that nearly 99 percent of the currency notes demonetised in November 2016, came back to the banking system. The total value...
More »'Sewer deaths rampant, states refuse to report' -Subodh Ghildiyal
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The government has stated that safety standards in the cleaning of sewer and septic tanks are alarmingly low across the country in the wake of 10 people falling prey to cleaning sewers in a month in the capital. A review of the "Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and Their Rehabilitation Act, 2013" (MS Act) has found that there is no information available about the cases...
More »Bihar laggard in toilet mission
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Bihar is among the states with the poorest progress towards open-defecation-free (ODF) targets with some districts requiring 500 toilets every day to meet 2019 goals, according to a report from the non-government Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) released today. The report said Bihar, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, and Jharkhand, accounting for 60 per cent of open defecation, would need to accelerate efforts for India to reach its ODF...
More »At 5.7%, Q1 GDP growth slumps to 3-year low -KR Srivats
-The Hindu Business Line Uncertainty over GST and related de-stocking hit industrial sector in Q1, says Anant New Delhi: Three key macro-data points released on Thursday presented a worrying picture of the economy, adding credence to the Reserve Bank of India Monetary Policy Committee’s recent fears of slower growth. The keenly-awaited first-quarter GDP growth number came in at 5.7 per cent, a three-year low and far lower than the 7.9 per cent GDP...
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