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Rural to urban migration in India: Why labour mobility bucks global trend -Kaivan Munshi & Mark Rosenzweig

-The Indian Express The percentage of the adult population for four large developing countries — China, India, Indonesia and Nigeria — who are living in cities, as well as the change in this percentage between 1975 and 2000, are plotted in chart. Rural-urban migration is exceptionally low in India. Changes in the rural and urban population between decennial censuses over the period 1961-2001 indicate that the migration rate for working age...

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The man who helps a village THRough uncomfortable questions -Vikas Pandey

-BBC KM Yadav has helped hundreds of Indian villagers access crucial government information that has helped them claim their benefits and rights. Vikas Pandey meets him at his "office" in Chaubepur village in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh. Mr Yadav is patiently listening to a group of villagers as he serves them hot tea from his stall. This tea stall is indistinguishable from the many others dotted across India's towns and villages...

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Pace of job growth slows to six-year low -Somesh Jha

-The Hindu July-September quarter usually sees more jobs added New jobs in eight labour-intensive industries fell to a six-year low in the first nine months of 2015 — with just 1.55 lakh new jobs being created compared to over THRee lakh jobs over the same period in 2013 and 2014, according to Labour Bureau data. Analysts said this was not a healthy sign, especially since the July-September quarter usually sees more jobs being...

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Pro-rural push on govt agenda -Sanjeeb Mukherjee

-Business Standard To connect with villages to highlight two years' achievements To commemorate two years of its rule, the Narendra Modi government is planning to penetrate deep into the hinterland, rural areas and Tier-2 towns with a balance sheet of its achievements. Officials said though much of the plan is still in the works, the THRust is to take the message to the grassroots. The rural engagement programme might not be limited to...

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India's e-waste problem

-Business Standard The new rules will hopefully do better By notifying fresh rules to govern the handling of electronic waste or e-waste (the earlier rules issued five years ago were quite inadequate), the Indian government has taken a key step to combat this most lethal form of pollution. Organic and easily recyclable metal, glass and plastic waste need not permanently remain in landfills. But hard-to-recover substances from e-waste like mercury make their...

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