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“Coastal and river-end areas prone to malaria”-R Sujatha

-The Hindu   Chennai (Tamil Nadu): The influx of visitors from the north-eastern regions and States such as Odisha, where malaria is endemic, is a cause for concern to public health officials. The State has been registering a gradual drop in malarial cases since 2010 but it will be several years before the disease is taken off the list of public health problems. The theme for this year's World Malaria Day, observed on...

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Alice Bayer, Press Officer Survival International (INGO) speaks to G Vishnu

-Tehelka     Survival International is an NGO that works for the welfare of indigenous tribal populations all over the world. Recently, it launched the Proud, Not Primitive campaign in India. Survival’s press officer Alice Bayer was in India to spread the word. Speaking to G Vishnu, she spells out what is wrong with the development versus tribal rights debate.  Edited Excerpts from an Interview * Tell us about the Proud, Not Primitive campaign? Government...

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Gains against malaria but threat remains-Aarti Dhar

-The Hindu   Three out of four people are at risk of malaria in World Health Organisation's South-East Asia Region, which is home to a quarter of the world's population despite huge gains in tackling the disease. The WHO has urged the governments, development partners and the corporate sector to invest more to sustain the gains and eliminate malaria. WHO's South-East Asia Region comprises 11 member-states: Bangladesh, Bhutan, the Democratic People's Republic of...

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India’s rain woes grow bigger, scientists worried -Zia Haq

-The Hindustan Times   New Delhi: Forecasting the June-to-September rains, which account for three-quarters of India's annual rainfall, is becoming tougher. Last year, six states had to declare droughts despite predictions of a normal monsoon. Although India is scaling up its prediction techniques, including joint Indo-American forecasting under a bilateral agreement, too little is understood about how pollution and rising temperatures are impacting the monsoon. But new research shows that they are surely...

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Preparing for a poor monsoon

-The Hindu   With an El Niño brewing, there is disquiet over what that might mean for the coming monsoon. Many droughts experienced by this country have, after all, been associated with the exceptional warming of the equatorial waters of the Pacific that is characteristic of an El Niño. The forecast issued by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) on Thursday is in line with other predictions that warn of poor rains this...

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