-The Times of India Prem Das Rai, an MP from Sikkim, knew that development indicators from his state were exceptional. But his office didn't know how to showcase them. He reached out to Swaniti, a Delhi-based not-for-profit organization that has been working "consulting style" with parliamentarians. Their portal called Jigyasa aims to answer questions like Rai's. Rwitwika Bhattacharya, Swaniti's founder-CEO, was surprised at what they uncovered. "I always thought that the...
Only 40 per cent of middle class has piped water connection: survey-Rukmini S
-The Hindu Not all of the Indian middle class has access to all amenities yet. According to latest data from National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER), only 40 per cent of those in the middle class, comprising households with annual income above Rs. 88,800 annually (an estimate suggested by NCAER researchers), have piped water connections, and only 15 per cent get three hours of water supply every day. Just over...
More »Parmesh Shah, the World Bank’s lead rural development specialist for South Asia speaks to Parakram Rautela
-The Times of India blog Between 2011 and 2017, the World Bank will spend $4 billion on rural development in India. Parmesh Shah, the bank's lead rural development specialist for South Asia, talks to Parakram Rautela about how that money is going to be spent and how they're working towards their ultimate aim - a world free of poverty Q. It's one thing to say that you want to eradicate world poverty...
More »India’s fiction of victory at Bali - Biraj Patnaik
-Live Mint By giving in to pressure from the US and EU, India has landed itself and the developing world in a bad trade deal The stenographic cacophony in the Indian media had a singular triumphalist message from the ninth World Trade Organization (WTO) ministerial meet in Bali: India had secured a major victory by safeguarding its food security programme and stood its ground against the US and the European Union...
More »EC cautions social media giants against malicious poll content -Ajmer Singh
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: With the Congress and the BJP hammering away at each other in the ongoing assembly contests that will set the stage for national polls next year, the Election Commission of India wants to make sure that social media and online platforms run by Google, Facebook and Twitter won't be used to breach the code of conduct that governs candidates and political parties. The commission's key...
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