-The Hindu The Election Commission on Wednesday said that paid news was a very "complex problem" and it had taken the issue seriously to ensure a level-playing field to all political parties and candidates in the elections to the Legislative Assembly on May 5. Addressing a media workshop on electoral process here, Director-General at the Election Commission, Akshay Rout, said: "Paid news is a complex issue and it had disturbed the political...
Candidates’ criminal record, assets in a single form this time -Nagesh Prabhu
-The Hindu Election Commission team coming on April 8 to review poll preparedness Bangalore: Now you can find crucial details about a candidate contesting the Assembly elections - his criminal record and assets/liabilities - in one consolidated format. Information on both these aspects will be part of a single document and will be up on the Election Commission website within 24 hours of it being filed. Hitherto, these details were in scattered in...
More »Needed, urgent electoral reforms -Navin Chawla
-The Hindu When a political party puts up candidates with criminal charges, it results in the alienation of large sections of people from the political class and politics itself When the Election Commission of India turned 60 on January 25, 2010, The Hindu opened its lead editorial of January 29 with the words, “After overseeing 15 General Elections to the Lok Sabha, the ECI, in its diamond jubilee year, can with justifiable...
More »LPG cap: EC unsatisfied with Moily's explanation
-The Times of India The Election Commission (EC) on Wednesday rapped petroleum minister M Veerappa Moily for having violated the model code of conduct with his poll-eve announcement of plans to increase LPG subsidy cap from six to nine cylinders a year. Expressing its strong disapproval of the announcement made on Tuesday - adjudged by the poll watchdog as promise of a financial grant - the EC cautioned Moily to be...
More »Chhattisgarh govt pays for all TV news that is fit to buy-Ashutosh Bhardwaj
-The Indian Express Raipur: In May 2010, Hindi TV channel Sahara Samay presented a five-point proposal to the public relations department of the Chhattisgarh government about covering government activities during 2010-11: 1. Two-minute special package: Sahara Samay will show the package 15 times a day during news bulletins. It will contain “CM’s speeches, government policies, and special news related to various departments.” Cost: Rs 3.28 crore per year at Rs 3,000 per...
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