-The Hindu The campaign, launched by the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority, has identified over 42,400 such children Jaipur: A campaign for bringing dropout students back to schools, launched by the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority, has identified over 42,400 such children through para-legal volunteers in the State. With its mandate to ensure right to education for each child, the Authority has initiated action in collaboration with the State government's Education Department for...
Only 12% of schools RTE compliant: Whither 6% budgetary allocation for education? -Ambarish Rai
-TheWire.in Despite Indian state’s commitment of 6% GDP on education, the Finance Minister completely ignored right to education for children and strengthening implementation of RTE Act which makes education a fundamental right in her budget speech. The Right to Education (RTE) Forum, which is a collective of different stakeholders in education, condemns this neglect of a legal entitlement, which is unconstitutional and demand for overall increase in the budget to ensure...
More »Both financial and non-financial factors matter for ASHAs: Study -Monika Kundu Srivastava
-Down to Earth/ India Science Wire Preferences change depending on factors including level of education, size of family, status as main earner A major challenge faced by the Indian health system is to keep its Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs) motivated and retain them in service. A new study has found that ASHA workers get motivated most by prospects of promotions than other factors. Researchers from The George Institute for Global Health and...
More »Pronab Sen, former chief statistician of India, interviewed by Kabir Agarwal and Anuj Srivas (TheWire.in)
-TheWire.in "I think the fact that the whole [NSSO] exercise began with a fundamental premise of keeping it comparable, that has been forgotten." The fierce debate over India’s unemployment figures came to a head last week, when a jobs data report by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) was finally made public. This report has been a source of contention ever since two members of the National Statistical Commission (NSC) resigned allegedly...
More »No change in MGNREGA wage rates observed between 2018-19 and 2019-20 for 4 states & 2 UTs
Non-payment of MGNREGA wages on time to workers and non-revision of daily wage rates, among other things, have kept the poor away from the programme in many states. When the notified daily wage rates under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (2005) Act (MGNREGA) for 2019-20 was announced on 26th March 2019, it became clear that the existing wage rates were not revised (viz. as compared to 2018-19) in...
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