-The New Indian Express She also said in the letter that no fund has been received by either the state government or the farmers. KOLKATA: Mounting pressure on the BJP-led central government for the second consecutive day on Thursday, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee shot a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi reminding him of his assurance made during election campaigns on releasing arrears of Rs 18,000 to farmers under the...
‘Prevent Further Loss’: An Urgent Appeal to the Health Minister by Public Health Practitioners -Sarojini Nadimpally and others
-Science.thewire.in Dear Dr Harsh Vardhan, The ongoing second wave of COVID-19 in India with over 3.32 lakh new cases counted in the last 24 hours is extremely concerning and demands imperative and urgent action. This is necessary in the immediate term as well as through longer term preparedness to mitigate the current medical and humanitarian crisis and to prevent its further escalation. We, concerned public health practitioners urgently request the Government of India...
More »Maternity entitlements are neglected in states like Jharkhand, M.P. and U.P., reveals JABS survey (2019)
The National Food Security Act 2013 guarantees maternity benefit to the tune of Rs. 6,000/- per child by the Central Government for pregnant women and lactating mothers, barring those who are already availing such benefits while being in regular employment with the Central Government or State Governments or Public Sector Undertakings or under other laws. The NFSA 2013 also legally guarantees free meals for every pregnant woman and lactating mother...
More »UNFPA’s population report turns spotlight on bodily autonomy -Jagriti Chandra
-The Hindu The report, ‘My Body is My Own’, shows only 55% of women are fully empowered to make choices. Nearly half the women from 57 developing countries do not have the right to make decisions regarding their bodies, including using contraception, seeking healthcare or even on their sexuality, according to the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA) flagship State of World Population Report 2021 titled ‘My Body is My Own’ launched on...
More »Technology enabled digital labour platforms are not adhering to labour norms, points out new ILO report
Although services provided by the gig and platform workers touch the lives of each one of us, we have little knowledge about the role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work. Such digital labour platforms have created unprecedented opportunities for workers, businesses and society. However, they also pose serious threats to decent work and fair competition. A recent report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) shows that the...
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