-The Times of India Suzuki chief Osamu Suzuki on Friday took a tough stand on the labour standoff at Maruti's Manesar plant, saying the company will not accept "any indiscipline". In his first reaction to the problems at Manesar, Suzuki told representatives of the company's recognised workers body that there will be "no compromise on discipline". "Indiscipline is not tolerated... not in Japan, not in India. It is never in the interest...
Anna and the labour strike at Maruti by TK Arun
You have the right to: Organize a union to negotiate with your employer concerning your wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. Form, join or assist a union. Bargain collectively through representatives of employees' own choosing for a contract with your employer setting your wages, benefits, hours, and other working conditions. Discuss your terms and conditions of employment or union organizing with your co-workers or a union. Take action with...
More »Maruti Suzuki's Manesar plant again hit by labour unrest by Chanchal Pal Chauhan
Country's top carmaker, Maruti Suzuki, plunged into another crisis as production at its Manesar plant was abruptly stopped for the second time in past two months after its sacked around twodozen workers. The assembly lines for Maruti's top selling cars such as the new Swift, AStar hatchbacks and Sx4 sedan came to a grinding halt after it terminated services of 11 workers and also suspended another 10, on charges of indiscipline...
More »Maruti's Manesar plant workers go on strike again
-PTI Just over a month after they called off a 13-day-long stir that resulted in a loss of about Rs 630 crore, workers at Maruti Suzuki India's Manesar plant went on strike again this afternoon. The workers resorted to a strike when five of them were suspended for "allegedly assaulting a supervisor" yesterday. When contacted, a company spokesperson said: "One of the supervisors was assaulted by workers yesterday and when disciplinary action...
More »Maruti, workers on warpath again by Pankaj Doval
Maruti Suzuki is once again headed for a confrontation with the rebel workers' body at its Manesar plant that witnessed the 13-day strike last month. Fresh trouble is brewing at the plant as the rebel body Maruti Suzuki Employees Union (MSEU) has decided to boycott the union election slated for July 16. The company has said it neither recognizes the rebel body nor is ready to talk to them. MSEU has...
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