-The Hindu The company’s registration of the variety has been revoked by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights’ Authority. Two years after PepsiCo India provoked outrage by suing nine Gujarati farmers for allegedly infringing patent rights by growing its registered potato variety, the company’s registration has been revoked by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights’ Authority (PPV&FRA). “This judgement is a historic victory for the farmers of India. It...
Historic win for farmer seed rights: PepsiCo’s IPR on potato variety revoked -Shagun Kapil
-Down to Earth Judgement against Pepsico potato variety sets precedent for all seed and food and beverages corporations not to transgress farmers’ seed rights and freedoms in India, experts say The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights (PPV&FR) Authority December 3, 2021 revoked a PVP (plant variety protection) certificate granted to PepsiCo India Holding (PIH) on a potato variety (FL-2027) on multiple grounds. This means that Pepsico’s Intellectual Property Right (IPR) granted...
More »Kisan Movement’s Direct Action Defeated not Just Modi Govt, but Imperialist Forces too -Prabhat Patnaik
-Newsclick.in While the farmers’ movement used the political threat of working against BJP in the coming elections, it also resorted to direct action, which is an extreme rarity under neo-liberalism. Particular battles often have a significance that goes beyond the immediate context, of which even the combatants may not be fully aware at the time. One such was the Battle of Plassey, which was not even a battle since one side's general...
More »Announcement of Repeal of Farm Laws Big Setback to Neoliberalism -Navpreet Kaur and C Saratchand
-Newsclick.in It is the first significant reverse suffered by the government, which is promoting neoliberalism at breakneck speed. The announcement of the repeal of the three farm laws almost a year after farmers launched a massive movement against the Narendra Modi government’s contentious decision in which 671 protesters lost their lives is a setback to the neoliberal move, which intended to further corporate encroachment in agriculture. The organisations leading the struggle have argued...
More »Modi is Wrong: Death Data Shows Protest Not of Big Farmers—Economist Lakhwinder Singh -Ajaz Ashraf
-Newsclick.in BJP wants to turn farmers into daily wage workers in the corporate sector, says the author of the report that analyses the economic status of farmers who died during the ongoing protests. On 26 November 2020, waves upon waves of farmers descended upon India’s Capital. Barricaded from entering Delhi, they pitched tents at three border crossings on the outskirts of the city. They have resolutely stayed there since then, braving the...
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