-The Times of India Over two crore households have been denied work under the fund-starved rural job guarantee scheme in the past eight months. This is a direct result of the deep cuts in funding of the scheme and various other changes initiated by the Modi government. With the employment situation still dire and the new government's long-term efforts to catalyze industrial growth still on the drawing board, the failure of...
Contaminated water leading to cancer, fear Indian villagers -Neeta Lal
-The Third Pole Villagers in India's Greater Noida district could be the latest victims of groundwater contamination with reports of increased cancer cases spurring investigations and concern about the situation elsewhere in the country The perils of groundwater contamination were again in the spotlight recently when media reports about drinking water causing cancer surfaced from five villages in an industrial belt on the outskirts of the Indian capital New Delhi. As medical experts...
More »CAG takes ‘Aswachh’ Gujarat to task
-The Times of India GANDHINAGAR (Gujarat): Though Gujarat claims to be the vanguard of Indian states working for the swachchta revolution championed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) has discovered an untidy record. In its report, 'Local Bodies of Gujarat' - released on Tuesday and covering the period till year ending March 2013 - the CAG points out failures of the state in the execution of the...
More »Over 5,000 Anganwadi schools in Gujarat lack toilets: CAG
-CNN-IBN Gandhinagar (Gujarat): A report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, tabled before the Gujarat Assembly on Tuesday, notes that more than 5,000 Anganwadi centers in the state did not have toilets as of the last year. The BJP government tabled the audit report on local bodies for the year ended on March 2013 on Tuesday, the last day of the legislature's session. The performance audit of 'total sanitation campaign'...
More »‘Indian women hardly have any say in decision making’ -Mahendra Singh
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Women empowerment may be the key slogan for every government since independence, but the findings of a government report show women still lag way behind men in having a say in decision making and in their participation in economic activity. The Central Statistics Office (CSO)'s publication "Women and Men in India 2014" found that women occupied seven out of 45 ministerial positions in the Narendra Modi's...
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