-NDTV.com At a time when Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation has remained above RBI's upper tolerance level of 6% for seven consecutive months and the WPI inflation rates are at the highest levels since January 2007, it is good that the issue was finally discussed in parliament and the RBI's recent rate hike signals recognition of the concern. However, during the debate in the parliament, the Treasury bench largely took a...
Rajasthan launches 100-day job scheme for urban areas
-Hindustan Times Rajasthan chief minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday launched the ‘Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Scheme’ to provide 100 days of employment in a year to families residing in urban areas. Launching the programme at a state-level event in Ambedkar Bhawan, Gehlot termed it a “historic initiative”. He added that the new scheme was mirrored along the lines of MGNREGA, which was started during the UPA government’s tenure for employment in rural areas...
More »‘Want MNREGA Funds? Show You Acted on 5 Indicators’: Rural Devpt Ministry Reminds States -Pragya Kaushika
-News18.com The Ministry of Rural Development has written to all states reminding them that they need to furnish action taken reports showing compliance to the indicators set by the ministry to avail funds under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (MNREGA). “The assessment of the compliance with the indicators brought in to ensure transparency and accountability in the use of MNREGA funds will be done in October,” said Giriraj...
More »MGNREGA: The Last And Often The Only Resort For Indian Women -Sunaina Kumar
-IndiaSpend.com Even as the Rural employment programme provides low wages, it is a source of income and opportunity for women who have few other avenues of work in rural India and face barriers in migrating out of the village for work Rajsamand, Rajasthan: The year that Chanchal Kumari was born was the year of the drought in Rajasthan--2002. For two years, the state had a severe water shortage--no water for drinking or...
More »More women in the labour force must not lead us to complacency -Sona Mitra and Bidisha Mondal
-Livemint.com It’s a pandemic-related rise and we still need an ecosystem of enablers that can lighten the domestic commitments of women The female labour force participation rate (FLFPR) in India has witnessed an increase, as per the Periodic Labour Force Survey released by the National Statistical Office (NSO) covering June 2020 to July 2021. The figure in the period stands at 25.1%, far better than the 17% in 2017-18. While this is...
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