-The Indian Express In the run-up to the Lok Sabha elections, Shah had raised the pitch in West Bengal, where the BJP sought to use the “illegal immigrant” issue as a major poll plank to consolidate the Hindu votes against the Mamata Banerjee-LED TMC government in the state. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that there has been no discussion on a National Register of Citizens (NRC) since the time...
Raghubar Das' style of working proved costly for BJP
-IANS Raghubar Das' style of working proved costly for BJP Ranchi: The perceived dissatisfaction with the style of functioning of Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das and his bid to copy Lalu Prasad in running the government apparently LED to BJP's defeat in Jharkhand. Das, though, has many records to his credit; one of them is that he was the first non-tribal Chief Minister who survived full tenure of five years. In a state...
More »Mixed signals on NRC -Hari Narayanan & Sumant Sen
-The Hindu PM Modi’s remarks on the National Register of Citizens contradict the Home Minister’s claims Addressing a rally at Delhi’s Ramlila Maidan on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that there have been no discussions on an all-India National Register of Citizens (NRC) since the BJP-LED government assumed power in 2014. He said that the NRC was implemented in Assam alone following the Supreme Court’s orders. Is this statement accurate? Claims and...
More »Bridgefy: An offline messaging app suddenly gaining traction in India -Tamal Nandi
-Livemint.com * Bridgefy app requires an internet connection to activate the app for the first time you open the app * The app primarily works on three modes with the help of Bluetooth in the mobile phone The protest by the various sections in various parts of the country regarding the Citizenship Amendment Act has LED to the shutdown of internet services in various parts of the country. Due to shutdown of internet services,...
More »A duty to publish: On RTI
-The Hindu Limiting RTI responses based on locus standi of the applicants could create a chilling effect The Right to Information Act’s role in fostering a more informed citizenry and an accountable government has never been in doubt ever since its implementation in 2005. But there have been persistent and growing misgivings. Section 4 of the Act calls for pro-active and voluntary dissemination of information, but only a few Central and State...
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