-The Times of India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has been given a clean chit by the Joint Parliamentary Committee on telecom which rubbished CAG's Rs 1.76 lakh crore loss calculations in the 2G scam but slammed the Vajpayee government for Rs 40,080 crore loss due to a policy shift in 1999. The committee - headed by Congress MP P C Chacko - in its draft report pinned the 2G blame on former...
Approve Whistleblowers Protection Bill in the budget session: NCPRI-Anuja
-Live Mint The NCPRI has also suggested a list of amendments to the Bill, including a clearer definition of victimization The activist group National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI) has demanded that the Whistleblowers Protection Bill, 2011, be discussed and approved by Parliament in the budget session that resumes on Monday. The NCPRI has also suggested a list of amendments to the Bill, including a clearer definition of victimization, protection...
More »The RTI activists' fights -Barkha Mathur
-The Times of India NAGPUR: After voting rights if there has been any other weapon which has empowered an Indian citizen it is the Right to Information (RTI). RTI is used to seek information about matters which affect the aamadami. How much of information is being handed out is still a contentious issue, but the act has definitely created a battalion of social activists. An RTI activist is not exactly the harried...
More »Panel Cautions Govt Against Rushing Into FTA Eith EU
-Outlook As the India and the EU negotiate a free trade agreement, a Parliamentary panel today cautioned against its early signing and asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to wait for the committee's report before finalising it. Chairman of the Department Related Parliamentary Committee on Commerce Shanta Kumar has written to Prime Minister today asking him not to rush through the EU-India Broad based Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA) before the panel gives...
More »Why corruption isn’t a poll issue in Karnataka -Prithvi Datta Chandra Shobhi
-The Indian Express If the BJP finds itself on the back foot today, it isn't because of corruption scandals, but due to the splintering of its social coalition As the stage is set for the state assembly elections in Karnataka, former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda recently made a surprising admission: corruption is not an issue in the upcoming elections, and the precipitous decline in political morality can only be arrested by...
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