The city crime branch on Friday filed a voluminous supplementary chargesheet in the RTI activist Amit Jethava murder case. The report was filed after the arrest of the sixth accused Shailesh Pandya, who is a sharpshooter. One Bahadursinh Rathod, who is believed to have helped the accused persons in carrying out illegal mining activities in the prohibited Gir sanctuary, has been shown as an absconder in the chargesheet. The investigating agency...
In agriculture’s pyrrhic victory, a call to caution by RN Bhaskar
There’s both good news and bad news on the food front. The good news is that wheat, maize and pulses production during the current year will be the highest that India has seen. Wheat production was expected to be high, thanks to the twin advantages of a high procurement price —- higher than international prices —- and favourable weather conditions. But pulses production too has zoomed, because of the soaring prices in the...
More »Getting food security right by T Nanda Kumar
The first issue in food security is India’s Hunger index. The Global Hunger Index released by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) places India 67th in rankings with a score of 24.1, far below China and below Sri Lanka, Pakistan and NEPal. According to FAO, about 25% of world’s undernourished live in India. The proposed Food Security Act is seen as the key instrument of intervention to remedy this situation. The...
More »Rs 2 lakh bonanza for RTI applicant by Sunchika B Pandey
The wait has been long, but Prakash Sheth, 45, can now say it has been worth the wait. In a rare judgment, the chief information commissioner (CIC) awarded Rs2 lakh as compensation to Sheth, who was made to run from pillar to post to get a reply to his RTI query. He had submitted an application to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), Hyderabad, on September 29, 2009. He had sought...
More »Unemployment level dips marginally in South Asia: ILO
South Asian countries, led by India, registered a rapid economic growth in 2010 and their unemployment rates dipped marginally from the previous year, says the latest annual Global Employment Trends (GET) report of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). Globally, however, it was a bad year for jobs for the third successive year. The annual employment trends survey points to a highly differentiated recovery in labour markets, with persistently high levels of...
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