-IANS Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Wednesday said stringent action would be taken, if any irregularities are found in the Rs. 52,000-crore farm loan waiver scheme of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. "If irregularities are found, we will take stringent action," Manmohan Singh told Rajya Sabha. There was uproar in both houses of parliament as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and other parties raised the issue Wednesday. The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)...
NREGA wage gap
-The Telegraph Labour payments under NREGA will continue to be less than minimum wages for agricultural labourers in four states, including Bengal, despite a recent rate revision in the rural job scheme. Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh today tabled a statement in the Rajya Sabha on the revised wages that will take effect from next month. Under the new NREGA rates, labourers in all states stand to gain, except those in Kerala, Bengal,...
More »Fuel Price Hike Rocks Parliament
-Outlook The issue of fuel price hike rocked Parliament today with opposition members in the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha disrupting proceedings, demanding an immediate roll back. Several parties protested against the price hike with SP, Left, Trinamool Congress and AIADMK storming the Well of the Lok Sabha, while BJP members were on their feet. In the Rajya Sabha, the entire NDA - BJP, JD-U, SAD and Shiv Sena - protested as...
More »Budget 2013: More power for taxmen faces stiff opposition-Remya Nair and Sahil Makkar
-Live Mint Evasion of duty of over Rs.50 lakh to be made non-bailable offence; arrest provisions under service tax proposed The government may find itself in hot water on budget proposals that make duty evasion beyond a certain threshold a non-bailable offence, allow arrest on suspected withholding of service tax, and provide tax authorities powers to recover dues from a defaulter’s bankers. Although finance minister P. Chidambaram in his budget presentation on 28...
More »A lot in the budget for agriculture -MS Swaminathan
-The Hindu Finance Minister P. Chidambaram’s budget for 2013-14 will be remembered not only for its strategies to stimulate economic growth and control fiscal deficit, but also for the importance given to the needs of the underprivileged sections of our society. In the field of agriculture, he has adopted the following three pronged strategy: 1. Defend the gains already made in the original green revolution areas like Punjab and Haryana: For this purpose...
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