-The Hindu A day after getting relief from the Madras High Court, environmental group Greenpeace India on Thursday withdrew its writ petition in the Delhi High Court challenging suspension of its registration under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) and freezing of five bank accounts. The Madras High Court had on Wednesday granted an interim stay for eight weeks on the Ministry of Home Affairs order of September 2 cancelling the non-government...
Delhi's Upscale Hospitals Are Turning Away The Poor In Whose Name They Got Land, Subsidies -Vidya Krishnan
-Huffington Post The heartbreaking story of the parents who jumped to their death in Delhi following the death of their 7-year-old son who succumbed to dengue after being turned away from two major city hospitals has shaken the public health establishment. Union health minister JP Nadda has ordered an enquiry into the incident. Just last month, a man was made to wait for his infant son's dead body because he couldn't pay...
More »A visionary on water issues -R Umamaheshwari
-The Hindu Ramaswamy R. Iyer, a water policy expert who wrote extensively for The Hindu, saw rivers as inextricable parts of the lives of communities. Ramaswamy R. Iyer passed away on September 9 in Delhi after a severe bout of viral fever. The water policy expert, who last held the position of an honorary research professor at the Centre for Policy Research, earlier served as Secretary of Water Resources in the Central...
More »Destruction of US credibility at WTO -Timothy A Wise and Biraj Patnaik
-Livemint.com It is hypocritical of the US to give price support to its farmers while denying it to the world’s poorest farmers The tenth ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), to be held in Nairobi on 15-18 December, is already mired in discord, with negotiators unable to agree on a mandated post-Bali work programme. At issue are US and European Union (EU) proposals to scrap the texts agreed to thus...
More »Supreme Court raps Centre over non-implementation of Food Security Act -Jitendra
-Down to Earth Till now, the Centre has issued three notifications for the extension of the deadline A two-judge bench of the Supreme Court issued a notice to the Centre on Friday over the non-implementation of the National Food Security Act, 2013 (NFSA). The bench comprising Justice Madan Lokur and Justice U U Lalit rapped the central government over the inordinate delay. Earlier, in May Delhi-based human rights organisation, the People’s Union for Civil...
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