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In arid Marathwada, villagers dig hours to fill a pot of water -Priyanka Kakodkar

-The Times of India BEED/JALNA: In the pitch darkness at 3am, the village of Katchincholi empties out onto the bone-dry river bed of the Godavari. Armed with as many pots as they can carry, the women start digging the gravel with their hands. Once a muddy pool of water appears, they scoop it into their pots. Then they strain the sludge and stones. This is the water the village drinks. A single...

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PM to farmers: Lies being spread on Land Acquisition Bill

-PTI &NBSp; NEW DELHI: With opposition mounting campaign over Land Acquisition Bill, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday reached out to farmers, telling them that "lies" are being spread over the measure for "political reasons" to create confusion among the farming community. Speaking on the issue over radio in his monthly 'Mann ki Baat' programme, he insisted there were some "lacunae" in the Land Act of 2013 "as it was enacted in a...

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Scam stains famed Chhattisgarh PDS, systemic loot runs into crores -Parivesh Mishra Raipur: Amid Prime Minister Narendra Modi's aggressive pitch for growth and denouncement of the policy of handouts in the pre-general election campaign last year, Chhattisgarh's model of Public Distribution System (PDS) stood out as a shining and welcome misfit. The BJP showcased Chief Minister Raman Singh model of PDS as its answer to the Congress' Food Security Act. Besides the Gujarat model, this was the only model that found mention...

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How not to treat agriculture -Jayati Ghosh

-Frontline If Budget 2015 is any indication, the Modi government is going beyond what could be called benign neglect of agriculture to policy moves that are likely to harm its viability. IT is scarcely surprising that farmers are upset with the Narendra Modi government. Indeed, the rosy dreams created by that famous campaign advertisement of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), when farmers spoke of the high crop prices and better cultivation conditions...

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Untimely rain plays havoc with vegetable, pulse prices -Tomojit Basu

-The Hindu Business Line New Delhi: Prices of vegetables and pulses are set to shoot up after unseasonal rain damaged over 50 lakh hectares of standing crops across the country, putting enormous strain on household budgets. Consumers will have to pay more for potatoes, carrots, cabbages, mustard and almost all the pulses over the next few weeks. Rain in northern, central and western parts has caused widespread damage to crops in Punjab,...

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