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Attorney general is a public authority, must be under RTI: HC -Abhinav Garg

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Attorney General is not merely a lawyer for the government, but is a constitutional authority, the Delhi High Court has said, bringing the top law officer under the ambit of the RTI Act. Justice Vibhu Bakhru on Tuesday held the office of AG to be a "public authority" as per the transparency act and reversed the decision of the Central Information Commission (CIC). In 2012...

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Food For Thought, Mr Modi -Ria Singh Sawhney & Jessica Pudussery

-Outlook A hasty transition to cash transfers without adequate banking services will do more harm than good for food security. &NBSp; As students we had been active in a campaign for the National Food Security Act (NFSA) since 2009. We met more than 100 Members of Parliament to explain why the law was important. Our own belief in the importance of the Act came from having participated in surveys to understand the...

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44 per cent college students: Women must accept violence - Chaitanya Mallapur &NBSp; A nationwide survey on youth attitudes reveals mindsets that haven't kept pace with the changing times on issues related to gender and society India is a political democracy, but India's society is not democratic. That has been a hypothesis offered by many social scientists. Now there is empirical proof - from India's hope for the future, its school and college students. * 65 per cent school...

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Food Ministry rejects FCI committee's suggestion on food law

-PTI NEW DELHI: The Food Ministry today rejected the Shanta Kumar committee's suggestion to cut the number of beneficiaries under the food security law to 40 per cent of the population against the current 67 per cent. In its views on the Shanta Kumar's panel report on the FCI restructuring submitted to the Prime Minister's office (PMO) today, the Food Ministry has also disagreed on movement of foodgrains in containers in the...

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Setting up national agriculture market, a clear warning for APMCs -Enamul Haque

-The Hindu Business Line &NBSp; Economic Survey says Parliament can pass laws to override States' powers to create such a thing The Budget has proposed the setting up of a national agriculture market. Agriculture in the country is a State subject and thus all the States have set up Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees (APMC) to regulate the marketing of agricultural commodities. Thus, APMCs have been considered an inhibiting factor for establishment of a national...

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