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Understanding the PDS by Jean Dreze and Reetika Khera

A survey in nine States shows that they have quietly revived and expanded their public distribution system. AT a time when the Union Cabinet cleared the draft of the national food security Bill after dilly-dallying over it comes a compelling piece of information: many State governments have quietly revived and expanded the public distribution system in their States. That, at any rate, is one of the main findings of a...

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NHRC seeks Madhya Pradesh report on drug trials

-The Times of India   The National Human Rights Commission took cognizance of a TOI report about clinical trials of a sexual dysfunction drug conducted by Indore's government doctors on mentally-ill patients in private clinics. The commission issued a notice to the Madhya Pradesh chief secretary asking him to submit a report within four weeks. The NHRC also directed the chief secretary to inform if the doctors followed ICMR guidelines while getting approval...

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UN reports improved access to safe drinking water, but poorest still lagging

-The United Nations   The internationally stated goal of improving access to safe drinking water across the globe is likely to be achieved well ahead of the 2015 deadline, but large numbers of people in the world’s least developed regions will still not benefit, according to a United Nations report released today. Reducing by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation by 2015 is one...

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Food Security Bill: Simpler the Better

-EPW   The draft Food Bill is in a mess; a simple solution is available to make it an effective legislation.   The union cabinet’s inability to clear the National Food Security Bill (NFSB) on 13 December is both a concern and an opportunity. It is a concern because every passing day is a chance lost to bring hunger to an end. It is an opportunity because the Bill is in dire need...

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233 mentally ill patients subjected to drug trials by Ashish Gaur

In an outrageous act bound to dismay the medical ethics community, as many as 233 mentally ill patients in Indore were subjected to clinical trials to check the efficacy of various drugs, including 42 patients for Dapoxetine, a drug used to cure premature ejaculation. The trials were conducted at private clinics by doctors of the mental hospital attached to the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College, Indore, between January 2008 and October 2010....

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