-The Indian Express The Opposition in the Maharashtra Assembly has also demanded that a case be registered against local Shiv Sena MLA Sadanand Chavan, who was closely associated with the firm Khemraj Constructions, which had built the dam in 2004. With the death toll in the floods caused by a breach in the Tiware dam in Ratnagiri’s Chiplun rising to 18, questions are being raised about possible negligence on the part...
Is there a case for free rides for women? -Sandip Chakrabarti & Akshaya Vijayalakshmi
-The Hindu Revenues from appropriately charging personal transport can make public transport cheap Women may soon get to travel for free on buses and Metro trains in Delhi. This gender-based public transport fare subsidy programme, announced by the Aam Aadmi Party government, has not been tested anywhere in India in the past. Proponents claim that the policy will protect and liberate women. Critics argue that it is financially unviable and unfair. As...
More »31.4% of Indian children will be stunted by 2022: report
-The Hindu Country needs to double its efforts to control malnutrition Almost one in three Indian children under five years will still be stunted by 2022 going by current trends, according to an analysis of the country’s food and nutrition security released on Tuesday. Over the last decade, child stunting — which is a measure of chronic malnutrition — has reduced at a rate of about 1% per year, the slowest decline...
More »Kerala best state on health parameters, UP worst: NITI Aayog report
-The Indian Express Last year, in February the first round of the health index was released, which measured the annual and incremental performances of States and UTs for the period 2014-15(Base Year) to 2015-16 (reference year). Kerala has emerged as the top ranking state in the second health index launched by NITI Aayog, while Uttar Pradesh is the worst, reported PTI. The health index is a composite measure of States and...
More »Dr. Arun Shah, a Muzaffarpur-based paediatrician, interviewed by Banjot Kaur (Down to Earth)
-Down to Earth Arun Shah, a Muzaffarpur-based paediatrician who has researched on the syndrome, says the fruit is only a triggering factor for malnourished children Litchi is being most commonly blamed for the Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) outbreak in Bihar. The mystery fever has already killed more than 100 children in Muzaffarpur district, renowned for its litchi crop. However, experts say it is grossly wrong to blame this fruit Down To Earth spoke...
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