-The Hindu The West Bengal Human Rights Commission on Friday ordered an inquiry into the arrest of Shiladitya Chowdhury, who was apprehended by the security forces after Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee dubbed him a Maoist for questioning her government’s policies on agriculture, at a rally in the Maoist-affected Jangalmahal region last week. Chairman of the Commission Justice (retired) Asok Kumar Ganguly directed Additional Director-General of Police K.P.P. Rao to conduct an inquiry...
Coal: Govt slams Rs. 1.86 lakh cr loss report; BJP asks PM to quit
-The Hindustan Times Rapping the government for its failure to timely implement the competitive bidding mechanism for allocation of coal blocks, CAG on Friday said part of the Rs. 1.86 lakh crore loss could have been partially tapped had the procedure been put in place earlier. In its report, tabled in Parliament, CAG said 25 firms including Essar Power, Hindalco, Tata Steel, Tata Power and Jindal Steel and Power were benefited to...
More »Parliament disrupted over black money
-IANS Both Houses of Parliament were disrupted on Monday as Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members noisily demanded that black money stashed abroad be brought back to the country. In the Rajya Sabha, BJP leader M Venkaiah Naidu raised the issue when zero hour began. Criticising the government, he said: "Even the CBI director has raised the issue, which shows the seriousness of the issue. With that money we can solve several problems...
More »Govt rejects panel stand on land acquisition for public-private projects-Elizabeth Roche
-Live Mint The much-awaited land acquisition Bill seems to be in jeopardy with the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government rejecting a parliamentary standing committee’s suggestion the government should not acquire land for public-private-partnership (PPP) projects. But it has accepted that land procured for special economic zones (SEZs) and some defence projects cannot be exempted from the purview of a land acquisition Bill and promised to amend other laws pertaining to purchase...
More »Keeping cancer alive-Sonal Matharu
-Down to Earth Punjab has been in the grip of cancer for over a decade but the government has ignored the threat. It all started with a knot in her left breast. Within no time it grew to the size of a tennis ball. In pain, 40-year-old Raj Rani went to the doctor in her village in Punjab’s Ferozepur district. Finding no relief, she started doing the rounds of government hospitals in...
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