Census 2011 data bring into the open Maharashtra’s terrible record in sex-selective abortions. In early June, Vijaymala Patekar, a mother of four girls, haemorrhaged to death at a hospital in Parli, Beed district, Maharashtra. She was reportedly in her second trimester of pregnancy. Her family had allegedly forced her to abort the foetus when they learnt it was a girl child. Sudam Munde, the doctor who performed the procedure, fled Parli but...
NCSC steps in after month-long Dalits' boycott in Sangrur village-Vishal Rambani and Navrajdeep Singh
-The Hindustan Times Dalits of Maha Singh Wala village in Moonak subdivision of Sangrur district have been rendered jobless due to their social boycott by upper-caste landlords. Following a dispute over daily wages, a kangaroo court of village landlords had issued the diktat a month ago. All Dalits working as farm labourers or Domestic Help have been sacked. The supply of milk and other essential commodities has been disrupted, forcing them to...
More »No One Killed Agriculture
-Inclusion.in There is good news. And there’s bad news. The good news first. There’s been a bumper wheat crop and the granaries are overflowing. And the bad news? Where do we begin? A lot of that grain will rot. Millions will still remain hungry. Heavily in debt and distressed, farmers are committing suicide. Food prices are soaring. There’s more… Farmers don’t have money. Their land is too small and isn’t yielding much. Fertilisers and...
More »Will rains boost the slowing Indian economy?
-The Economic Times This is the time of the year when the country's weakest spots are exposed; despite our high growth and emerging-economy status, we continue to depend on the rains to boost rural incomes and provide a cushion in a slow economy. All eyes are on rainfall in July, which is crucial for the kharif crop that accounts for about half the food grain output. The consequences on inflation are, of...
More »India rethinks frequent ban on export of foodgrain, other farm commodities-Amiti Sen
-The Economic Times India's frequent ban on export of foodgrains and other farm commodities may soon become a thing of past as the commerce department is working on a policy to allow traders meet their exports obligations even in times of domestic shortages through imports. The move will help India restore some global credibility as it has often faced flak for its banning spree. "Once we are ready with the proposal, it will...
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