-Parda Phash A Delhi court, hearing the Delhi Police Crime Branch plea of performing a lie detector test on two arrested Zee Journalists, gave its ruling in favour of the Zee group. Rejecting the police's appeal, court granted permission for only voice tests in Rs 100 crore alleged extortion case filed by Congress MP Naveen Jindal. Metropolitan Magistrate Gaurav Rao permits Delhi Police Crime Branch to collect voice samples Zee News head...
Tapping the rural news space-Sangeeta Barooah Pisharoty
-The Hindu Rural newspaper Gaon Connection, recently launched in Uttar Pradesh, seeks to project the hinterland as it really is For long the national media has been accused of shutting its door on rural news. And by now, the largely city-centric media has won the argument too that news about villages and small towns just do not bring them the advertisers. So we are in an age when the ‘business of media’...
More »Statements of Zee chief, editors contradictory: police -Devesh K Pandey
-The Hindu Chandra denies knowledge of any deal between editors and JSPL The Delhi Police Crime Branch has detected several contradictions in the statements of Zee chairman Subhash Chandra and his two editors who have been arrested for allegedly attempting to extort Rs.100 crore from Jindal Steel and Power Limited in the form of advertisements for diluting the campaign against JSPL in connection with the coal block allocation scam. To almost all the...
More »Chhattisgarh govt pays for all TV news that is fit to buy-Ashutosh Bhardwaj
-The Indian Express Raipur: In May 2010, Hindi TV channel Sahara Samay presented a five-point proposal to the public relations department of the Chhattisgarh government about covering government activities during 2010-11: 1. Two-minute special package: Sahara Samay will show the package 15 times a day during news bulletins. It will contain “CM’s speeches, government policies, and special news related to various departments.” Cost: Rs 3.28 crore per year at Rs 3,000 per...
More »Start now, fix later -Samar Halarnkar
-The Hindustan Times Indians love slogans. So, since Independence, successive governments have offered catch lines to their electorates. Some slogans were inopportune because they were of dubious accuracy. Jawaharlal Nehru’s 1950s ‘Hindi-Chini bhai-bhai’ — Indians and Chinese are brothers — (even Nehru did not believe this), led to a battlefield defeat. The Congress’ 1975 Emergency-era ‘Indira is India and India is Indira’ and the BJP’s 2004 ‘India Shining’ were electoral disasters. Some...
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