-The Hindu The Supreme Court on Tuesday issued notice to the Registrar General of the Allahabad High Court and the Central Information Commission on a public interest writ petition challenging the RTI rules framed by the High Court. A Bench of Justices A.K. Patnaik and Swatanter Kumar issued notice on the PIL filed by Common Cause, after hearing its counsel Prashant Bhushan, who submitted that the rules were unduly restrictive as it...
RTI rules: SC seeks HC registry’s reply on PIL
-The Indian Express The Supreme Court on Tuesday asked the Allahabad High Court registry to reply to a PIL challenging its RTI rules as unconstitutional. A bench of Justices A K Patnaik and Swatanter Kumar asked the registry to respond on a plea by NGO, Common Cause, which has sought the quashing of Rules 3 to 5, 20 and 25 to 27 of the Allahabad High Court (Right to Information) Rules, 2006. The...
More »Draft rules to curb RTI back on agenda
-The Economic Times A year after the Centre shelved a move of introducing norms, including a 250-word limit on RTI applications, it has resurrected the proposal. The file pertaining to draft RTI rules has been sent to Prime Minister's Office, putting the proposal back on the agenda of UPA-II. The Centre had in November, 2010, sought to introduce amendment to RTI rules for filing applications. The rules framed by the Department...
More »Govt's proposed RTI project draws interest from IT firms
-PTI Leading IT-based companies have queued up to bid for a government's proposed state-of-the-art call centre aimed at providing greater access to host of services under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. Officials in the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) said many private firms have expressed interest in the proposal. Encouraged by the usage of the transparency law, the DoPT has proposed a 'RTI Call Centre and Portal Project' to make the...
More »Ex-IC Gandhi blames Delhi high court for thwarting RTI initiatives-Abhinav Garg
-The Times of India Outgoing information commissioner (IC) Shailesh Gandhi has blamed the Delhi high court for frustrating the purpose of the RTI Act by staying several CIC orders. In a 56-page reply filed in the HC in response to a petition against him filed by a CIC official, Gandhi has dismissed charges of bias and questioned the court's practice of granting ex-parte stays on CIC verdicts. "It appears Delhi high court...
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