Despite the Rs 5,631 crore — to be the highest in the country, which the Mayawati government in Uttar Pradesh had spent under the MG-NREGA in 2010-11, but it failed to show any good work carried by it. Its not just Uttar Pradesh, but half of the states did not find any work worth to be nominated for a national award for best performing panchayats in implementation of NREGA in 2010-11. There...
Govt proposes `2000 cr labour budget under NREGA
-GK News Network Government has proposed a Rs 2000 crore labour budget under MG NREGA for the coming fiscal year. This was revealed at a high level meeting convened under the chairmanship of Minister for Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Ali Muhammad Sagar here today. Commissioner Secretary Rural Development, Farooq Ahmad Peer, Director Rural Development Jammu, Shafiq Ahmad Raina, Member Secretary MG NREGA, Dr Hanief Balkhi and other senior officers of the department...
More »Govt dallying RTI implementation by Mushtaq Ahmad
Despite its introduction with much fanfare three years ago, Jammu and Kashmir government has abruptly slowed down on the implementation of Right to Information (RTI) Act, which was designed to bring transparency and accountability to public offices. According to the Act enacted in March 2009, it is incumbent upon the state government to launch major awareness campaign for general public through various mediums of communication and languages, especially for disadvantaged communities...
More »After Ramesh's letter, West Bengal Minister shunted out by Indrani Dutta
The implementation of the ‘100 days work' scheme in West Bengal had become a poll issue during the last parliamentary and assembly elections as had some other Centrally-funded rural development projects. But despite a change in government in the State, little seems to have changed on that front ultimately leading to a somewhat hurried shunting out of a Minister from his Department. The decision taken by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to...
More »Jairam wants Jharkhand to expedite Saranda initiative by K Balchand
State has been directed to set up a separate development authority The Centre has asked the Jharkhand government to show urgency on both security and development matters in the Left-Wing-Extremism-affected Saranda forest. The State has been directed to set up a separate development authority to carry forward its initiative to provide basic amenities to 7,000 tribal families in the forest, and demanded early allocation of land for setting up 24 more CRPF...
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