-The Hindustan Times If you've somehow managed to wrench yourself away from witnessing the ever plunging new lows during the ongoing election campaigns, including name calling, mud (and ink) slinging and repeated exchanges of the same accusations between political rivals, you will surely have noticed the exuberance in the markets - the Sensex has touched a record high and the long-languishing rupee has strengthened to within striking distance of sub-Rs 60...
Food security in the time of inflation -Sonalde Desai
-The Hindu If the expansion of the Public Distribution System results in an increase in market prices, it may counterbalance the benefits of food subsidy Passage of the National Food Security Act (NFSA) has put the Public Distribution System (PDS) at the core of the national mission to feed the hungry. The PDS, operated via "fair price" or ration shops, will distribute up to 5 kg of rice at Rs. 3 per...
More »Women find succour in SHGs-S Poorvaja
-The Hindu Madurai (Tamil Nadu): Following a wane in farming activities - the only means of livelihood for a large number of villagers - owing to failure of rain and other intangible reasons, women in rural areas have sought refuge in self-help groups (SHGs) for income generation. There is a proliferation of women SHGs in villages across Madurai district. They get help from non-governmental organisations (NGO) and National Bank of Agriculture and...
More »Many realities, multiple platforms-Amit Baruah
-The Hindu The digital divide has gone out of favour, but millions of Indians not only remain illiterate, but are unable to access welfare schemes Is there a clash between social media and social movements? Or, can social media be used to promote social movements? As political parties intensify their use of social media and election fever heightens in a country where millions are illiterate and have little access to technology, these questions...
More »Early intervention centres in Kerala soon-C Maya
-The Hindu To screen developmental delays and disabilities in children THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The departments of Health and Social Justice are launching a major joint initiative to tackle childhood disabilities through the early identification of developmental delays and disabilities and early interventions so that these conditions do not become permanent or debilitating. District Early Intervention Centres (DEICs) will soon be opened in every district hospital and this will be the first point of screening for...
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