It's a shocking revelation in this day and age. Not just Indian men, but even adolescents - in the 15-19 age group - feel that wife beating is justified. Unicef's " Global Report Card on Adolescents 2012", says that 57% of adolescent boys in India think a husband is justified in hitting or beating his wife. Over half of the Indian adolescent girls, or around 53% think that a husband is justified...
India’s worst motorist behaviour is in Bangalore-Saswati Mukherjee
BANGALORE: That the motorists in Bangalore don't seem to care for pedestrians has been a subject of intense debate for long. The debate has been set to rest by a New Delhi-based green group's report that statistically shows Bangalore's deficiency in this category. Among the seven Indian cities surveyed, Bangalore scores the lowest - a measly 30 out of 100 - in the 'motorist behaviour' category, one of the nine parameters...
More »More sedition cases against anti-nuke protestors than Maoists, militants by Pallavi Polanki
The speed and determination with which the Tamil Nadu government has been slapping its citizens right, left and centre with colonial-era laws, it would seem as if a full-fledged war of independence is raging in the fishing villages of Idinthakarai and Kudankulam along the coast of Tamil Nadu. According to findings by a team led senior journalist Sam Rajappa, in just four months between September (when the protest movement against the...
More »A fall to cheer
-The Economist For the first time ever, the number of poor people is declining everywhere THE past four years have seen the worst economic crisis since the 1930s and the biggest food-price increases since the 1970s. That must surely have swollen the ranks of the poor. Wrong. The best estimates for global poverty come from the World Bank’s Development Research Group, which has just updated from 2005 its figures for those living in...
More »MNREGA: HP among top-performing states-Rakesh Lohumi
-Tribune News Service Notwithstanding the marginal decline in spendings under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA) over the past two years, Himachal has the best performance indicators, putting it in the league of top-performing states. The total expenditure under the scheme came down from Rs 556.55 crore in 2009-10 to Rs 516.34 crore in 2010-11 and further fell to Rs 509.43 crore in the last financial year. However, the number...
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