-Tehelka Why is India struggling to feed its girls and women, who are in desperate need of nutrition, asks Ruhi Kandhari One out of three women or adolescent girls who come through that door are anaemic," says Dr Savita Agarwal, who runs a charitable clinic at a slum in north Delhi, pointing at the door of her clinic. "They cannot afford to eat meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables that provide iron." Fifty percent...
Assessing Bihar's Coupon-Based PDS: Importance of Local Context -Chetan Choithani and Bill Pritchard
-Economic and Political Weekly &NBSp; The public distribution system remains the bedrock of India's food security system and the Food Security Act (2013) has only increased its importance. At the same time, the PDS administration has been subject to reform, change and experimentation. States have been experimenting ways to reduce leakages and maladministration. Since 2007, Bihar has used coupons to administer the PDS in order to curb leakages at the fair price...
More »Low Productivity is Bane of Agriculture in India
-The New Indian Express &NBSp; The latest data from the World Bank shows that around 60.3 per cent of India's land area is agricultural. India Brand Equity Foundation, a trust established by the ministry of commerce and industry, confirms this. At 157.35 million hectares, India holds the second largest agricultural land, next only to the US. This should set at rest the fears that have been raised in the aftermath of the...
More »Households expect inflation to remain at current level: RBI survey -Vishwanath Nair
-Livemint.com &NBSp; This is a shift from the September 2014 survey where many respondents had expected inflation to rise over the next one year &NBSp; Mumbai: According to recent surveys conducted by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), fewer households in India expect higher inflation in the year ahead, even though expectations regarding future economic conditions, income and spending showed a decline. In the 38th round of The Inflation Expectations Survey of Households December...
More »Over 20,000 wildlife crimes recorded in India -Kiran Pandey
-Down to Earth Seizures of ivory, skins and bones of wildlife species represent only those cases which come to light The Supreme Court order, which has set aside the suspension of conviction of Salman Khan in the blackbuck shooting case, once again brings into focus the high rate of wildlife crimes in India. The scale of the crimes in the country can be gauged from some of the information put out by the...
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